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Hookah Etiquette to Follow When Smoking in a Group

Hookah Etiquette to Follow When Smoking in a Group

Hookah smoking is all about relaxation and leisure time, especially when you do it with your friends. Buzz attached to smoking Shisha is just the tip of the iceberg. The smoking session can last 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the period you want to keep a party of. Here are some tips for the smoking experience of your hook.  


Before the evolution of Hookah, people created some of the rules for the label of the hookah, commonly known. Below is a general rule of the label of the hookah that helps avoid Faux Pas. It is important to remember and remember these rules means that smoking can always change. Therefore, if you like the house of your friends or the Shisha parlor, it is possible that these rules do not apply, and you must follow the "rules of the house" anywhere. Keep in mind that you may be angry with your host if you despise your rules.


Nobody likes "shisha slob"

The general rule of thumb is that the person installing the hookah smokes it first. Then you can move on to the people who deal with coal, and they will be ranked second. Finally, the hookah remains to pass until one full circle is completed, and then repeat. Generally, participants have 23 minutes per round. 


Do not blow smoke in someone else's face

This can be considered rude and unwanted, and it can ruin someone's experience! 



Avoid dropping hookahs

Although the hookah is strong and durable, it is not unbreakable. 



Maintain common hygiene practices

If you're sick, banning smoking is a common courtesy. Always wash your hands before participating and always make sure that the equipment is well clean and in general! 

  • Follow these ideas and use the tip of your mouth! Don't share one. 
  • Most importantly, remember to relax, have fun, and create new and lasting memories!  


Pass the hose

Don't embrace the water pipe-even if you own and set everything up, it is impolite to keep it for your enjoyment. Pass the hose to the room and don't repel anyone. If you are nervous about bacteria, buy some disposable mouthpieces or use hoses with detachable nozzles so you can keep one for yourself. This is what I do to people I don't know. When I go to other people's salons or homes, I always put some good mouths in my jacket pockets. Shisha should be about community and interaction. Don't be rude. 



Plug the hose

 If you smoke in a multi-hose hookah that does not automatically shut down, you should plug the hose outlet with your thumb when you are not actively smoking. An open hose that is not pulled just leaks, because when another hose is used, it draws air into the hookah. 



Don't fight for smoke

Another important tip for multi-hose hookahs. If someone else is pumping water from your hose, wait until they finish. Pulling at the same time will make drawing difficult and overheat the container. I know some people will do this to prevent others from smoking just for fun, but it's annoying. This is a hookah gathering. Don't treat it like a tug of war. 



Do not let the hose touch the ground 

This should be self-explanatory, but do not let the nozzle touch the ground. The length of these hoses is okay. This is going to happen. But the part that you and your friend put in the mouth must not touch the ground.



Do not smoke unless an ashtray is provided

If there is no ashtray, smoking may not be allowed, but ask before lighting it. They may prepare an ashtray for you behind the counter, or they may say that smoking is not allowed in certain areas. Respect people's wishes and don't quarrel. Most likely it is in the Middle East, if you don’t see other people smoking your soot. This all seems simple, right? Following these guidelines will make your meeting easier and more enjoyable for all participants.


Also, if you are a guest of my house, I ask that you smoke a hookah and do not try to reimburse me. It is an honor for me to share the hookah experience with my friends. Having fun, relaxing and enjoying a peaceful hookah gathering with your buddies are everything. Don't Destroy Others' Aura!


We hope you enjoy these tips on proper hookah etiquette. Although the current global situation is undoubtedly severe and challenging, our hookah online store is delivering high quality Shisha to our valuable customers. We have gone to great lengths to develop our business and establish a sincere relationship with our customers. Stay safe and follow COVID appropriate safety measures, always use a face mask and hand sanitizer when you go out.


Obey the hookah etiquette and experience all the richness of hookah culture. Did we miss important things?  If you want to add some tips or rules to our list, feel free to leave a comment and let us know! If you want to read more about smoking, Hookah Molasses other similar topics, read our other blogs!

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